AMDA Nepal has successfully implemented the following activities in the past.
(Sorted by date in descending order )

Sn Program Title    Duration    Partner/Funding Agency Features Districts

USAID Sustainable HIV Epidemic Control

Oct 2025-Feb 2025 USAID Conduct on HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support for communities at high risk of HIV transmission and HIV-positive people. for Koshi Province( Sunsari, Morang, Jhapa, Ilam districts) Koshi Province ( Sunsari, Morang, Jhapa, Ilam districts)
25 Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC) Jan 2020-Oct  2024 FHI 360 Conduct on HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support for communities at high risk of HIV transmission and HIV-positive people. for Koshi Province( Sunsari, Morang, Jhapa, Ilam districts) Koshi Province ( Sunsari, Morang, Jhapa, Ilam districts)
24 Project for Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Camp Jan 2021-Dec 2023 Gokarneshwar Municipality/AMDA-MINDS/ Daiichi Sankiyo Co Conduct "Breast and Cervical Cancer" screening for Gokarneshwor Municipality Kathmandu
23 Maternal and Child Health March 2019-March 2022 AMDA-MINDS conduct a survey to understand the situation of maternal and child health Gadhawa Rural Municipality, Dang
22 PHC Project for Bhuatanese Refugees 2001 - 2020 UNHCR Primary healt service Jhapa, Morang
21 AMDA LINKAGE Project Oct 1 2016 - 2020 FHI360/USAID  HIV prevention, care, support and treatment Sunsari, Morang,Jhapa
20 AMDA Saath Saath Project Oct 2011 - Sep 2016 FHI360/USAID  STI/VCCT Service delivery, technical assistance and capacity buidling for the prevention and combating HIV/AIDS Jhapa, Morang, Sunsari, Mahottari, Dhanusha. 
19 Research study on acceptability and use of female condom among couples in the Bhutanese refugee camps 2014 UNFPA Carry out the activities to support improving access to sexual and reproductive health services and education. Jhapa and Morang (Bhutanese Refugee Camps)
18 AMDA Mala Project 2013 Dec- 2014 Feb PSI Nepal (Global Fund) Training program to private sector health service provider for the prevention of malaria 6 Districts (Kailali, Kanchanpur, Banke, Danusha, Chitwan, Morang)
17 Work Integrated Learning 2012-2015 University of Tasmania Internship and academic exchange Jhapa
16 Expansion of malaria prevention and controll progrm to at risk population in Nepal (AMDA Mala Project) 2012 (April- July) PSI Nepal (Global Fund) Training program to private sector health service provider for the prevention of malaria  31 Districts (Kanchanpur, Dadeldhura, Doti, Kailali, Bardia, Surkhet, Banke, Dang, Kapilvabastu, Rupandehi, Nawalparashi,Chitwan, Sindhupalchowk, Kavre, Makawanpur, Bara, Parsa, Rautahat, Mahottari, Sindhuli, Dhanusa, Siraha, Saptati, Udaypur, Sunsari, Morang, Dhankuta, Jhapa, Ilam and Panchthar)
15 AMDA Hami Project 2011-2015 Government of Nepal (WB/Pooled fund) HIV/AIDS related targeted intervention: Comprehensive package for migrants and their familities 20 Districts (Morang, Dhanusha, Sarlahi, Parsa, Kavre, Kaski, Syangja, Bardia, Surkhet, Salyan, Rukum, Jajarkot, Kalikot, Mugu, Dolpa, Humla, Kailali, Kanchanpur, Darchula and Bajura
14 Construction and training grant 2010-2015 Nick Simons Institute Training program and construction of a Hospital building (Maternity Ward) Jhapa
13 AMDA ASHA Project 2006-2011 FHI Nepal/USAID STI/VCCT Service delivery, technical assistance and capacity buidling for the prevention and combating HIV/AIDS Jhapa, Morang, Sunsari, Mahottari, Dhanusha.
12 Drug Treatment Porgram 2006-2009 UNDP (DFID) Prevention of HIV transmission and detoxification treatment Jhapa
11 STI and VCT Service Delivery Program 2005-2008 UNDP (GFATM) Prevention and care of HIV/AIDS transmission Jhapa
10 Hospital Construction Grants  2006-2007 Embassy of Japan Hospital building construction for AMDA Mechi Hospital Jhapa
9 Paramedic Training Support 2005-2006 UN WFP Scholarship support to study paramedcical course (CMA, ANM etc) Jhapa
8 Community Home Based Care (CHBC) Project for HIV/AIDS Positive of Makwanpur District 2005 Plan-Nepal Makwanpur Care and support to people living with HIV/AIDS. Makwanpur
7 Skill Birth Attendance Jan-June 2005 Family Planning Association of Nepal A training program for the maternal care Jhapa
6 Youth Friendly Community VCT Program 2003-2005 Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Nepal Prevention of HIV/AIDS Jhapa
5 Primary Health Care for IDUs in Eastern Nepal July-Dec 2002 Macfarlande Burnet Institute for Medical Reserach and Public Health's Centre for Harm Reduction (MBI/CHR), Melbourne, Austrli Prevention of HIV/AIDS transmission through primary health care Jhapa
4 STI Service Delivery Program 2001-2006 FHI Nepal/USAID Treatment and care of STI/HIV/AIDS Jhapa, Morang, Sunsari, Siraha, Saptari, Sarlahi, Mahottari, Bara, Danusah, Parsa, Rautahat, Makwanpur, Chitwan, Nawalparashi, Rupandehi and Dhading
3 Primary Health Advancement for Sustained Empowerment 2000-2005 AMDA Japan Empowering rural community peoplel for the basic and emergency health care Rupandehi
2 AIDS Prevention Project 1999-2006 FHI Nepal/USAID Prevention and control of HIV/AIDS/STIs, changing the unsafe sexual behiavior of female sex workers and their clients Jhapa, Morang, Sunsari, Saptari & Siraha
1 Construction Grant 1997-1998 Tsuyama Rotrary Club, Japan  Building construction for the community support programs and central office  Kathmandu


AMDA Nepal

Contact Details

AMDA Nepal
Gokarneshwar Municipality - 6, Jorpati
P.O. Box 8909, Kathmandu
Phone: +977 (1) 4910235, 4911140
Office Code: 101

AMDA Hospital
Damak Municipality-2, Kharkhare, Jhapa
Phone: +977 (23) 580186, 581266
Office Code: 102

Siddharth Children & Women Hospital
Butwal Sub-Metrpolitan -7, Rupendehi
Phone: +977 (71) 502101, 502097
Office Code: 103

AMDA Institute of Health Science, Damak
Damak Municipality-2, Kharkhare, Jhapa
Phone: +977 (23) 582186, 580355
Office Code: 104

AMDA Mechi Hospital
Mechinagar Municipality-10, Dhulabari, Jhapa
Phone:+977 (23) 564550

Office Code: 105

Gokarneshwar Municipality - 6, Jorpati, Kathmandu
P.O. Box 8909, Kathmandu
Phone: +977 (1) 4910235, 4911140

Office Code: 106
AMDA Institute of Health Science, Butwal
Butwal Sub-metropolitan city 7, Deepnagar, Butwal
Phone: +977 (71) 502101, 502097
Office Code: 107

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