Siddhartha Children and Women Hospital

Community Health:  
The community health unit in the refugee camps are supposed to strengthens the community-based health mechanisms in order to prevent diseases, control epidemics and promote the overall health of refugees. Community-awareness programs is enhanced with coomunity health worker (CHW) assigned to each sector in refugee camps. The CHWs are responsible for carrying out health awareness sessions, providing counseling to individuals with mental health problems, and follow up with patients suffering from chronic diseases and malnourished children. The CHW also provide a supportive role to the different units of the health centre and overseen by the Community Health Supervisors. In addition, the Community Health Unit
a) support LWF in sample water quality monitoring,
b) conduct Vitamin “A” and De- worming program biannually for children under five,
c) conduct National Polio Campaign for children under five,
d) carry out defaulter tracing of the above mentioned programmes, and
e) assist government in vector control programs (ULV Fogging, residual spray), and health message development.

The CHWs target both refugees and host communities when delivering health messages on topics including mental health, identification of individuals at risk of suicide, ANC and Family Planning, Vector borne diseases, epidemics and snake bite, communicable and non-communicable diseases. These units regularly coordinate with the camp based organizations (CMC, BRCF, BRWF, CWT, Sector/ sub-sector Head etc). Regular capacity building initiatives such as training, orientation, monitoring and technical guidance will be organized for CHWs and female community health volunteers. In addition, umbrellas will be provided to CHWs, FVCHW, and CPSW in order to enhance their mobility in community awareness work.
In line with the overall health strategy which envisages local health authorities including refugees in national services, AMDA will explore with District Public Health Office (DPHO), the possibility of National Female Community Health Volunteers eventually taking over the roles and responsibilities of camp-based community-health workers. Advocacy to pursue this goal will be conducted through the coordination meetings, Health Task Force and will be discussed with strategic stakeholders working in the Health Sector. 
AMDA Nepal

Contact Details

AMDA Nepal
Gokarneshwar Municipality - 6, Jorpati
P.O. Box 8909, Kathmandu
Phone: +977 (1) 4910235, 4911140
Office Code: 101

AMDA Hospital
Damak Municipality-2, Kharkhare, Jhapa
Phone: +977 (23) 580186, 581266
Office Code: 102

Siddharth Children & Women Hospital
Butwal Sub-Metrpolitan -7, Rupendehi
Phone: +977 (71) 502101, 502097
Office Code: 103

AMDA Institute of Health Science, Damak
Damak Municipality-2, Kharkhare, Jhapa
Phone: +977 (23) 582186, 580355
Office Code: 104

AMDA Mechi Hospital
Mechinagar Municipality-10, Dhulabari, Jhapa
Phone:+977 (23) 564550

Office Code: 105

Gokarneshwar Municipality - 6, Jorpati, Kathmandu
P.O. Box 8909, Kathmandu
Phone: +977 (1) 4910235, 4911140

Office Code: 106
AMDA Institute of Health Science, Butwal
Butwal Sub-metropolitan city 7, Deepnagar, Butwal
Phone: +977 (71) 502101, 502097
Office Code: 107

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