In the early 1990s, large numbers of refugees from Bhutan arrived in Nepal with the population reaching 108000 by 2007. Basic humanitarian assistance and international protection to refugees from Bhutan in the seven camps in Jhapa and Morang districtsJ of eastern Nepal continued since the arrival of refugees in early 1990s. AMDA Nepal was engaged since 1995 in the relief assitance to the Bhutanese refugees in Nepal. Since 2001, AMDA Nepal is managaing primary health care in partnership with UNHCR.Since 2001, in partnership with the UNHCR
The camp population has decreased to less than one tenth of its original population of approximately 108,000 due to a large-scale resettlement programme which was launched in 2007. With substantial reductions in the camp population due to resettlement departures, UNHCR together with the GoN and NGO partners started consolidating refugee camps in 2011. By May 2012, only two of the original seven camps remained and the consolidation of camp services and infrastructure is on-going. As of 31 October, 2018, there are only 6,633 refugees from Bhutan living in Beldangi and Sanischare camps in Eastern Nepal. The population will subsequently continue to decrease with approximately 500 -1000 refugees departing in 2018.
Under the project partnership agreement (PPA) valid from 01 January to 31 December 2019, AMDA, with UNHCR fund, will be responsible for implementing activities in the health sector, whilst gradually rationalizing service delivery in the camps, social protection (persons with disabilities). AMDA will take a leading role in the health task force in order to further facilitate refugees’ access to public health facilities. AMDA will also closely coordinate its activities with the Social Protection Task Force; especially within the ambit of providing services to persons with disabilities. AMDA continues to advocate in strengthening Aamchowk Urban Health Centre and gradually hand over all the services to government health facilities.